
Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

Taiwan - Day 4

Woke up at 5.45 AM and getting ready for job waiting for us. Job done at around 9 PM, we walked around hotel,  find this small restaurant and very suitable to eat this kind of food. HOT SOUP !

Hot tea

The winner

I asked the waiter, which soup is best seller. She recommended us that right side of soup. Alex warned me not to order this soup (He said looked not delicious). But as a stubborn girl, I ordered it lol

Alex ordered vegetable soup

I tried a teaspoon and blamed myself why ordered this soup. Alex laughed at me

Fish ball and beef ball

Fried beancurd skin

Beef slice

You tiao (Chinese cruller)


Location : Hsin Chu - Taiwan.

Taiwan - Day 3

We had meeting with 4 persons that day at 1.30 PM to discussed what we have to do on Thursday later. We planned to spend time around our hotel, go to mall before meeting. Alex's sister in law recommended us to try the Japanese food.

Black and white seeds

They gave us a big bowl of this cabbage. We don't even like it. Beside our sitting table is Taiwanese customers and they told the waiter to teach us how to eat this vegie.
(I heard they said : Ta men shuo ying yu, ke neng ta men shi ri ben ren) :p

This is how to eat the cabbage, apply peanut sauce. But sorry, not my taste. Every table also served with this vegetable, and they finished it !

We feel amused eat this boneless chicken, the chicken is too fatty

Favorite all the time, cawan mushi

Fish is so dry

Miso soup, skip

Don't have any idea about the contents

I was wondering until now, why they served us with four kind of drinks. What I remembered is, I don't really like it.

Hot green tea, blahhh

I like this, vinegar apple

I don't know what is this, I tried a teaspoon and skip it

Hot tea

Black Sesame ice cream

They put corn flakes at bottom

After meeting, we went to mall for dinner. Hsin Chu is a small town, we did not walk so far only for find food, I am too lazy for that hehe. 

For sharing, came with one bowl of rice

Wanton beef and vegetable

Vegetable inside

Beef inside

We went back to hotel by taxi because was raining. Guess what the taxi driver asked me ! He asked AM I A FILIPINO? 

Location : Hsin Chu - Taiwan.

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

Taiwan - Day 2

After we had a heavy dinner yesterday, we direct go to sleep. In the morning, we also had a heavy breakfast. I have to control myself for not eating too much due to a job waiting us at Wednedsay later. These are what I ate that day :P

Place was warm and peaceful

Bread station

Porridge station

Salad station

Drink station

First plate

I promised you, this is only a small bowl and I DID NOT finished it !

The pork floss is the bad I ever had

I control myself for not having the second plate of salad. This was yummy

Alex was busy smeared butter to bread

We direct go out after done our breakfast. We go to Xi Meng Ding for shopping. hehe. 

Happy face

Two !

I am really cool with that stocking, but I enjoyed the air very well

I forced him to make the same style as me

We go to that building behind me to buy train ticket go to Xi Men Ding

I got the tickets

I thought we will go Xi Men Ding with this handsome train, but they give us standard train

Inside the train

MRT ticket

Cream puff bought in MRT station

Worth to try

Reached Xi Men Ding

Alex had grilled chicken

I had fried chicken. We did not order many food, because we want to try street food as others said that street food is nice

This lady is the owner

Snacks during that day :

Giant Takoyaki

Taste was not bad

I called this "noisy chicken",  the seller speak with microphone to attract customers

Chicken nugget, I ordered the spicy one

I know what's in your mind, "Why I ate this kind of snack at Taiwan?" 
And the answer is "Because I want to eat this snack". lol

We go back Hsin Chu at 5 PM, and direct go to mall for dinner.

Token to enter the MRT

We only ordered solo portion, but that is good enough for four people

Even came with a bowl of rice ! They don't know I am on diet! Lol

This also yummy. Oyster pancake

Free kimchi, Edamame, chili and miso soup

Location : Ximending and Hsin Chu - Taiwan.